The VX-5HD 3-15x56 gives you all the flexibility of its 44mm counterpart, but with the 56mm objective bell, it maximizes as much exit pupil light as y...More
The VX-5HD 3-15x56 gives you all the flexibility of its 44mm counterpa...
The VX-5HD 3-15x56 gives you all the flexibility of its 44mm counterpart, but with the 56mm objective bell, it maximizes as much exit pupil light as y...More
The VX-5HD 3-15x56 gives you all the flexibility of its 44mm counterpa...
If there's one do-it-all scope, the VX-6HD 3-18x50 could be it. Dial it to 3x magnification to get enough field of view to navigate brush and timber, ...More
If there's one do-it-all scope, the VX-6HD 3-18x50 could be it. Dial i...
Don't let its small size fool you. At only 14.7 ounces, our VX®-5HD 1-5x24mm riflescope is built for long days in the wilderness. The 1-5x magnifica...More
Don't let its small size fool you. At only 14.7 ounces, our VX®-5HD ...
Completely at home on the side of a mountain chasing monster goats or ringing steel at the range, the extremely versatile 2-10x magnification range gi...More
Completely at home on the side of a mountain chasing monster goats or ...
The VX®-5HD 3-15x44mm is made for anything and everything. Its 3-15 magnification range lets you take full advantage of any situation. Turn the power...More
The VX®-5HD 3-15x44mm is made for anything and everything. Its 3-15 m...
The VX®-5HD 3-15x44mm is made for anything and everything. Its 3-15 magnification range lets you take full advantage of any situation. Turn the power...More
The VX®-5HD 3-15x44mm is made for anything and everything. Its 3-15 m...
The VX®-5HD 4-20x52mm may just be that sweet spot you've been looking for in magnification ranges. Low enough magnification to get the job done in de...More
The VX®-5HD 4-20x52mm may just be that sweet spot you've been looking...